Nordic Pavilion by Sverre Fehn

Sinisha showed me this project on Monday, and it is totally U3W2010 blog worthy.

for those of us who are thinking of an outdoor lobby type of space.

British Council Building @ Lagos [ Allies & Morrison ]

Non-'tribal' looking earth structures

I thought this was a nice example of how earth buildings can still look contemporary. Go to culture --> Center of Gravity Foundation Hall
nigeria is a volatile place...

Architype Review collection of Performing Arts centers

a bunch of performing arts centers, not totally similar to our program, and not in our climate, but some of these projects give good examples of the importance of the lobby, street/pedestrian relationships, etc.

Water Supply?

Does anyone know what kind of water supply Abuja has? Like is water scarce? Would a water feature be considered a waste of water?

African fractals

Mathematician Ron Eglash talks about fractals appearing in vernacular African villages. I dont understand all the math that he's talking about, but its a really interesting talk.
Dutch Chancery
Maputo, Mozambique
Claus & Kaan
Dutch Chancery/Embassy
Addis Abeba
SeArch + Dick Van Gameren
African Institute of Science and Technology (AIST) by M. Fuksas
Abuja, Nigeria
Theatre & music hall project by Neutelings Riedijk.
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